The National Veterinary Institute (SVA) is a Swedish Government authority under the Ministry of Agriculture and is the largest and only official veterinary medical laboratory in Sweden. Activities are focused on diagnostic and advisory services, official services/governmental duties as well as research. SVA provides expert advice to other national and international authorities, including EFSA and the OIE, to the industry and to the public on transmissible agents in animals, including zoonoses and antimicrobial resistance, and including investigations and programmes for their control. The institute is responsible for the design, implementation and/or evaluation of active surveillance on statutory diseases as well as other infectious agents of national or international concern, such as BVDV.
Role in the project
- responsible for WP3: Case studies and generalisation,
- supports WP1 (development of method), WP2 (data model) and WP4 (communication and dissemination).
Personnel Involved
Ann Lindberg |
Jenny Frössling |
Other relevant projects
EPIZONE: Network of Excellence for Epizootic Disease Diagnosis and Control.
ASFRISK: Evaluating and Controling the Risk of African Swine Fever in the EU.
AniBioThreat: Bio-preparedness measures concerning prevention, detection and response to animal bio-threats.
Relevant Publications:
Frössling J, Wahlström H, Ågren ECC, Cameron A, Lindberg A & Lewerin SS 2013. Surveillance system sensitivities and probability of freedom from Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis infection in Swedish cattle Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 108, pp. 47-62.
Espetvedt M, Lind AK, Wolff C, Rintakoski S, Virtala AM, Lindberg A. (2013) Nordic dairy farmers' threshold for contacting a veterinarian and consequences for disease recording: Mild clinical mastitis as an example. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 108:114-24.
Dórea FC, McEwen BJ, McNab WB, Revie CW, Sanchez J. 2013. Syndromic surveillance using veterinary laboratory data: data pre-processing and algorithm performance evaluation. J R Soc Interface doi: 10.1098/rsif.2013.0114.
Frössling J, Ohlson A, Björkman C, Håkansson N & Nöremark M 2012. ‘Application of network analysis parameters in risk-based surveillance – Examples based on cattle trade data and bovine infections in Sweden’ Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 105, pp. 202-208.
Comin A, Stegeman A, Marangon S, Klinkenberg D 2012. Evaluating surveillance strategies for the early detection of low pathogenicity avian influenza infections. PLoS ONE 7(4) e35956. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0035956
Comin A, Stegeman A., Klinkenberg D., Busani L., Marangon S 2011. Design and results of an intensive monitoring programme for avian influenza in meat type turkey flocks during four epidemics in northern Italy. Zoonoses Public Health. 58: 244–251
Dórea FC, Sanchez J, Revie CW. 2011. Veterinary syndromic surveillance: Current initiatives and potential for development. Preventive Veterinary Medicine vol. 101, 1-17.
Nöremark M, Håkansson N, Lewerin SS, Lindberg A & Jonsson A, 2011. ‘Network analysis of cattle and pig movements in Sweden: measures relevant for disease control and risk based surveillance’, Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 99, no. 2-4 , pp. 78-90.
Wahlström H, Frössling J, Lewerin SS, Ljung A, Cedersmyg M & Cameron A, 2010. ‘Demonstrating freedom from Mycobacterium bovis infection in Swedish farmed deer using non-survey data sources’, Preventive Veterinary Medicine vol. 94, no. 1-2, pp. 108-118.
Frössling J, Ågren EC, Eliasson-Selling L & Lewerin SS 2009. ‘Probability of freedom from disease after the first detection and eradication of PRRS in Sweden: scenario-tree modelling of the surveillance system’ Preventive Veterinary Medicine, vol. 91, no. 2-4, pp. 137-45.