The Institute of Epidemiology (IfE) conducts research on the epidemiology of endemic animal diseases (e.g. avian influenza, bluetongue disease, BSE, classical swine fever, rabies), the prevention of non-endemic infectious diseases (import risk assessment, early warning systems) and the biomathematical and epidemiological basis of risk assessment. The IfE is supporting the Federal ministry in planning and analysis of the German BVD eradication program. www.fli.de
Role in the project
- responsible for WP4: Communication and dissemination,
- supports the development of the conceptual model (WP1),
- supports WP2 (data) and
- carries out a case study for Germany (WP3)
Personnel Involved
Franz J. Conraths |
Jörn Gethmann |
Carola Sauter-Louis |
Thorsten Schrapps |
Ann-Kathrin Güttner |
Other relevant projects
- CSF / ASF WB-DB: CSF / ASF Wild Boar surveillance database
- APHAEA: harmonised Approaches in monitoring wildlife Population Health, And Ecology and Abundance
- RISKSUR: develop decision support tools for the design of cost-effective risk-based surveillance systems
- SANTERO: risk-based Surveillance for ANimal healTh in EuROpe
Relevant publications
- Schoene C.U., Staubach C., Grund C., Globig A., Kramer M., Wilking H., Beer M., Conraths F.J., Harder T.C. - Towards a new, ecologically targeted approach to monitoring wild bird populations for avian influenza viruses - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22917447
- Thulke H.H., Eisinger D., Freuling C., Fröhlich A., Globig A., Grimm V., Müller T., Selhorst T., Staubach C., Zips S. - Situation-based surveillance: adapting investigations to actual epidemic situations - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19901383
- Wilking H., Ziller M., Staubach C., Globig A., Harder T.C., Conraths F.J. - Chances and limitations of wild bird monitoring for the avian influenza virus H5N1--detection of pathogens highly mobile in time and space - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19680560
- Sonnenburg J., Schulz K., Staubach C., Conraths F.J. - A simulation model to determine sensitivity and timeliness of surveillance strategies - (SUBMITTED by Transboundary and Emerging Diseases)
- Sonnenburg J., Schulz K., Blome S., Staubach C. - The challenge to detect Classical Swine Fever virus circulation in wild boar – simulation of sampling options - (Accepted by Journal of Wildlife Diseases)
- Schulz K., Calbab C., Peyreb M., Staubach C., Conraths F.J. - Hunters' acceptability of the surveillance system and alternative surveillance strategies for Classical Swine Fever in wild boar - a participatory approach